How can I add reviews, references, testimonials to my profile page?

How can I add reviews, references, testimonials to my profile page?

Owners and sitters may leave reviews for each other which will show on their public ad or profile page. When a house sitting position commences, a ‘Leave a review’ button will become visible to both parties on the bottom of their conversations on their Messages page. Reviews can be rated from 1 to 5 stars. A review is unpublished when it's received, and for 14 days afterwards, it can be edited or deleted by the author- or published by its recipient. After 14 days, all reviews not deleted will be published automatically and cannot be unpublished or edited.

All other references and documents from other sources can be saved as document files and uploaded to the "Media library" page of your Mindahome control panel where they can be added to the bottom of your profile page and also attached to messages you send. To show on your Public Profile page do the following:
  1. Save your references as document files on your laptop or device you use to access the internet and then upload them to your Media Library in your Mindahome control panel.
  2. Access your Media Library and change the status of the files to 'Public'.
  3. Go to your 'Public Profile' edit page and scroll down to 'Attachments' and tick the box next to the files you want to appear on your profile page.
  4. Click the 'Save changes' button

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