How much does your service cost?
Home and pet owners:
It's completely free for pet and home owners to use Mindahome - there are no payment or membership fees required.
House sitters do not usually charge for their services as most are willing to house sit in exchange for free accommodation. However, should you be happy with their service and feel you would like to make a small payment as an expression of your appreciation for a job well done, it is quite acceptable to do so.
We do have some sitters that charge for their service and they will make that known to the home owner when they apply for the position.
House sitters:
House sitters pay an annual membership fee which allows them to submit their profile to our database, contact all Home Owners who are listed and be among the first to receive notification of new positions available. There are no limitations as to location or number of positions that can be taken. Please see the 'Cost' link in the menu bar at the top of the Mindahome website.
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