General Questions
How do I cancel my membership?
To cancel or delete your account you need to login to the Mindahome website, go to 'Your account' page and scroll down to the bottom where you will find the 'Delete account' button.
Where is the app logout button?
When using the app, to logout click the 'Menu' icon at the bottom left of the screen then, on the Menu screen in the 'Hello' panel, click the small grey button with the square letter C and an arrow pointing to the right.
I can't see the 'Favourites' heart on the listings?
If you don't see the heart then you are not logged in. You need to be logged in for the system to know who you are so that when you click the heart, it knows who's favourites page to add the listing to. The hearts are grey and turn orange when you ...
How to save a search for future use?
On the home owners listings page you can use our 'Save this search' feature. The steps are similar for the house sitters listing page. Here are the steps: Make sure you are logged in. Your name will be showing near the top right of the Mindahome ...
How do I communicate on the website?
You would send a message to another member from their ad or profile page. When you do, the other party is sent an email notification about it with a link to your ad or profile. Your message is also recorded on your Messages page in your Mindahome ...
What happens when I message someone from their ad or profile page?
When you send a message to a member from their ad or profile page, they are sent an email notification about it with a link to your ad or profile. Your message is also recorded on your Messages page. When they reply you will be notified and you will ...
How does the reply rating work?
The reply rating system only checks the first incoming message in a conversation. It starts deducting points after 2 days if you haven't replied in that time. Your rating will improve over time when you respond to other messages promptly.
Can I be both a home owner and a house sitter?
Members can have both Owner and Sitter accounts using the same email address. To create the second account a member must first log out of their existing account, then register for the other account using the appropriate registration form. When ...
How do I delete messages?
The option to delete messages and conversations has been removed. When we did allow it we regularly had people unintentionally deleting important conversations they should not have. They would ask us to reinstate them or ask for the other parties ...
I received a notice that I have a message but I can't find it.
Do you have both a home owner and house sitter account? If so it's very likely that when you logged in you were in the wrong account and the message you are looking for is on your Messages page of your other account. To change from one account to the ...
There is no button to leave a review
This will happen if the ‘Invite’ and ‘Accept’ procedure wasn’t followed. So that the system knows which sitter is being appointed, a home owner needs to click the green 'Invite sitter to accept' button beneath the messages in their conversation with ...
What is the Mindahome Code of Conduct?
The Mindahome Code of Conduct When a person joins the Mindahome community, they are required to respect each other’s property, values and ideals. Please read and make yourself familiar with this document so that you know what is required to ensure ...
How do I archive conversations?
On your Messages page in your Mindahome control panel, tick the boxes on the left of the conversations you want to archive. When you do a link will appear below the list of conversations. Click the link to archive the selected conversations. See ...
How do I delete messages and conversations?
We removed the option to delete messages and conversations. When we did allow it we regularly had people unintentionally deleting conversations they should not have. They would ask us to reinstate them or ask for the other parties phone number but, ...
Fees and payments
It's free for home owners to list their homes with us and house sitters pay an annual fee. To see the fee that house sitters pay, please return to the Mindahome website and click the 'Cost' link in the top menu bar. House sitting is a mutual exchange ...
Do messages I send have a link to my ad or profile?
Yes they do. All message notifications received by the members have a link to both the sender and receivers publicly visible ad or profile.
How do I get the free House Sitting Guide?
The free House Sitting Guide is only available to registered Mindahome home owners and registered, fully subscribed house sitters. You will find the link to download the guide on your members "How to" page which is in your Mindahome control panel.
Is a security bond necessary?
Most home owners won't ask for a bond but it's not an unreasonable request. Should the home owner prefer that the sitter pays a bond, the amount and where or with whom it's deposited with until the end of the assignment should be negotiated between ...
Is a house sitting agreement needed?
We recommend that a 'House sitting agreement' between both parties is used. It can spell out the duties and expectations of both parties in black and white, leaving little room for misunderstanding. Mindahome has a sample Agreement for your use in ...
I have forgotten my password
Near the top right of the website click the 'Login' link in the menu bar and on the login form that appears click the "Cannot login". On the next page enter your email address and click submit. A "reset password link" will be emailed to you. If you ...
How do I change my email address?
If your email address has changed you need to change it on your Mindahome 'Your Account' page. To do that please log in on the Mindahome website using your old email address, and in your Mindahome control panel click the "your Account" link and make ...
Do I need to put a link to my profile or my ID number in my messages?
No all messages have a link automatically inserted in them to the senders profile or ad page.
Where can I find my messages and replies to my messages?
All messages back and forth between members are recorded as conversations on the "Messages" page of your Mindahome control panel. When a member first contacts another from their ad or profile page, that first message starts the conversation on their ...
Who pays Utilities such as Gas and Electricity or Internet?
For a short stay often the home owner will not expect the house sitter to pay for Gas and Electricity. However for longer periods it's quite reasonable for sitters to pay for the utilities they use. These costs should be negotiated between both ...
Where can I find my ID?
Your public ID is the ID of your ad or profile. It can be found by clicking the 'My control panel' link in the drop down menu revealed when you click your name at the top right of the site or on the page you use to edit your ad or profile.
How do I temporarily suspend my account?
I'm sorry but we do not suspend accounts for sitters. Sitters can unpublish their ad or profile so that they are "out of circulation" however their account will still require renewing at the end of the 12 months membership period. Home owners don't ...
How do I unsubscribe from the email notifications?
To unsubscribe from email messages and notifications please go to the 'Your account' page in your Mindahome control panel and un-check the appropriate boxes near the bottom of the form then click the 'Save changes' button.
How do I cancel or delete my account?
You can cancel or delete your account using the link on the bottom of the 'Your account' page found in your Mindahome control panel.
How can I find out when my membership expires?
Home owners memberships do not expire. It remains dormant when they do not have an active ad but becomes active when they submit a new ad. For house sitters - You can see the expiry information (Paid until) on your 'Control panel' page. When logged ...
After contacting a member, how do I find them again on Mindahome?
When you send a message from an ad or profile page, if it's your first message to that member, it generates the start of a conversation which is recorded on your 'Messages' page in your Mindahome control panel. On your 'Messages' page click on a ...
How do I change my password?
You can change your password on the 'Your account' page in your Mindahome control panel.
What is "Reply rating"?
The 'Reply rating' seen on members ads and profiles is how quickly they respond to messages they receive. Everyone starts with 5 stars and it's up to them to maintain that rating by responding to messages in a timely manner. It's fully automated ...
How do I do a date range search on my mobile phone?
On the 'Advanced search' page tap in the 'Date range' box and the calendar will appear. Now close the keypad. The current date will be highlighted in yellow. Advance the calendar to the month you want to start the search and tap a day in the month. ...
Do you have an app?
Yes we do. All members who install the app on their phone will receive instant notifications of new messages sent to them. Sitters also receive notification of new sitting positions as they are submitted on the website. They can also choose to ...
I'm having difficulty using the date range search.
Click in the date range box and a calendar will appear. Click the start date in the calendar once only Now advance the calendar the desired end month. Now click the end date once only Then click the close button. If you mess it up please refresh your ...
Where are my archived conversations?
Log in to your account and on your 'Messages' page you will see your 'Active' conversations. At the top of the list of conversations is the heading 'Active'. On the right of that it will say 'Archived'. Click on 'Archived' to access the list of ...
How can I send a message to many members at once?
You can send the same message to many members from your 'Messages' page. On your 'Messages' page tick the box on the left of each conversation listed there and then scroll to the bottom of the page to compose and send your message.
What is a 'Standard response'?
A standard response is a pre-composed message you can use over and over again by inserting it into your message with the click of a button. We have already created some standard responses for you but you can also compose and save your own ...
I am having login problems
If you can't login, it may be the the auto fill feature of your web browser is inserting the wrong email address or password into the log in form. Please remove whatever your browser is pre-filling in the login form and type them in from new. If that ...
How much does your service cost?
Home and pet owners: It's completely free for pet and home owners to use Mindahome - there are no payment or membership fees required. House sitters do not usually charge for their services as most are willing to house sit in exchange for free ...