I can't add or upload photos to my ad or profile?

I can't add or upload photos to my ad or profile?

There are a number of reasons you could have problems trying to upload photos to your ad or profile.

1.  If you click the 'browse' link and nothing happens, it's usually because you have an 'ad blocker' extension on your web browser. Please try disabling the ad blocker or use a different web browser or device (tablet or laptop for example) to access the website and upload your photos.

2.  It may be because the file extension (file name) has .heic on the end. If it says .heic at the end of the files then they won't upload because it's file type that is only used by Apple and is not in common use anywhere else. You will need to change them to the much more common .jpg format. You can do that here for free: https://www.freeconvert.com/heic-to-jpg. You can do more than one at a time.

3.  After you have chosen images, and they are showing in the image boxes of your ad or profile, you need to take one more step to complete the process and that is you need to scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Submit changes" button. Please keep note that  it can take a few minutes for images to be uploaded - they may not be immediately visible when you look at you ad or profile afterwards.

4.  If you continue to have problems uploading photos the file size of the images may be the problem. Try selecting and uploading one at a time. In other words select one then click the 'Save changes' button at the bottom of the page then select the next one and click the 'Save changes' button and so on.

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